No. Title Date
1 Angkor. Hari-Hara. 7th century
2 Angkor Vat. Chieftain and his army before the King. Detail
3 Angkor Vat. Detail from the frieze of apsaras in the entrance gallery
4 Angkor Vat. Escalier du vertige
5 Angkor Vat. La tour centrale. Vue prise du sud-est
6 Angkor Wat
7 Angkor Wat. Apsaras frieze
8 Angkor Wat. Frieze on the wall of the southern gallery of the western entrance
9 Angkor Wat. Sculpture at the base of pillar in the central gallery
10 Cambodia. The reproduction of the great Indo-Chinese temple of Angkor-Vat
11 Central tower of the temple of Angkor Vat
12 Nakhon Wat. Devatâs. Second floor porch
13 Nakhon Wat. Devatâs. South west angle of west entrance
14 Nakhon Wat. Relief, inner gallery. Royal procession and Buddhist inferno. Mid 14th century
15 Original Angkor Vat, a wonder-building of the east seen from the air : a photograph revealing the harmonious and well-proportioned plan of the celebrated ancient shrine of the Kheer race- most famous of all Cambodia's ruined glories
16 The principal entrance of the temple [Angkor Vat]
17 Vishnu and Lakhshmi : Umerkot Museum collections