No. Title Date
181 Buddhist clay tablet with Sanskrit inscription
182 Buddhist heads from Ta Prohm
183 Burma. Pagan
184 Burma. Temple
185 Burma. Temple
186 Burmese war boat
187 Bushire, on the Persian Gulf
188 Bust of Buddha, Khmer art classical period
189 Cambodgia. Buddha unter dem Naga. Graubraunder Sandstein. 11.-12. Jahrhundert
190 Cambodgia. Buddha unter dem Naga. Graubraunder Sandstein. 11.-12. Jahrhundert
191 Cambodia (Khmer). 10th-11th century CE. Sculpture, female torso. Fine-grained, dark-grey sandstone
192 Cambodia (Khmer). Garuda. Sculpture. Reign of Suryavarman II, 1112-1152 CE. Bronze, smooth green patina
193 Cambodia (Khmer). Torso. Grey lime stone. 11th century
194 Cambodia. 11th century. Sandstone
195 Cambodia. 18th century[?]
196 Cambodia. Brown stone. 12th century
197 Cambodia. Buddhist head. 10th century
198 Cambodia. Bust
199 Cambodia. Bust
200 Cambodia. Head of a King. 12th century CE