An outline grammar of the Dafla language as spoken by the tribes immediately south of the Apa Tanang country

An outline grammar of the Dafla language as spoken by the tribes immediately south of the Apa Tanang country  

Creator: Hamilton, R. C.
Publication Date: 1900
Type: Book
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  Dafla language
Nishi language
Spatial Coverage:  Asia -- India -- Dafla Hills -- Arunachal Pradesh
এশিয়া -- ভারত -- অরুণাচল প্রদেশ -- দফলা পাহাড়
एशिया -- इंडिया -- अरुणाचल प्रदेश -- दफला हिल्स
Language: English
An outline grammar of the Dafla language as spoken by the tribes immediately south of the Apa Tanang country