Ang of Chintang sitting on a low wooden bed with hornbill head

Ang of Chintang sitting on a low wooden bed with hornbill head  

Creator:  Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( Photographer )
Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( contributor )
Haimendorf, Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist ( contributor )
Publication Date: 1936
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Beds
Hornbills in art
Kings and rulers
Naga (South Asian people) -- Kings and rulers
Konyak (Indic people) -- Kings and rulers
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- India -- Nagaland -- Mon District -- Chingtang
Genre:  Konyak Naga (ethnicity)
कोन्याक नागा (ethnicity)
Naga (ethnicity)
नागा (ethnicity)
Naga (South Asian people) (LCSH)
Language: English
Ang of Chintang sitting on a low wooden bed with hornbill head
Ang of Punkhung asleep on his bed

Ang of Punkhung asleep on his bed  

Creator:  Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( Photographer )
Furer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, 1909-1995 ( contributor )
Haimendorf, Christoph Von Fürer- (1909-1995); anthropologist ( contributor )
Publication Date: 1936
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Holding Location: Archives and Special Collections
Subject Keyword:  Beds
Kings and rulers
Naga (South Asian people) -- Kings and rulers
Konyak (Indic people) -- Kings and rulers
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- India -- Nagaland -- Mon District -- Punkhung
Genre:  Konyak Naga (ethnicity)
कोन्याक नागा (ethnicity)
Naga (ethnicity)
नागा (ethnicity)
Naga (South Asian people) (LCSH)
Language: English
Ang of Punkhung asleep on his bed
This bed is the original set of Lord Shankara (about 2nd Century B.C.)

This bed is the original set of Lord Shankara (about 2nd Century B.C.)  

Publication Date: 1976-1978
Publisher:  वृन्दावन शोध संस्थान
International Association of the Vrindaban Research Institute
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  एशिया -- भारत -- उत्तर प्रदेश -- मथुरा ज़िला -- वृंदावन
ایشیا -- بھارت -- اتر پردیش -- متھرا ضلع -- ورنداون
आदि शंकराचार्य
Spatial Coverage: Asia -- India -- Uttar Pradesh -- Mathura District -- Vrindavan
Language: English
This bed is the original set of Lord Shankara (about 2nd Century B.C.)