Jain bibliography No. 1 : a list of 1294 books having Jain references

Jain bibliography No. 1 : a list of 1294 books having Jain references  

Creator: Dass, Lala Paras ( Compiler )
Publication Date: 1930
Publisher: Mahabir Pershad ( Delhi )
Type: Book
Format: vol.
Edition: 1st Edition
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  Jainism -- Bibliography
जैन धर्म -- ग्रंथसूची
જૈન ધર્મ -- ગ્રંથસૂચિ
Spatial Coverage:  Asia -- India -- National Capital Territory of Delhi -- Delhi
एशिया -- भारत -- राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र दिल्ली -- दिल्ली
એશિયા -- ભારત -- રાષ્ટ્રીય રાજધાની પ્રદેશ દિલ્હી -- દિલ્હી
Genre: bibliography (marcgt)
Language: English
Jain bibliography No. 1 : a list of 1294 books having Jain references