Suggestions for a grammar of "Bangala", the "lingua franca" of the Upper Congo, with dictionary

Suggestions for a grammar of "Bangala", the "lingua franca" of the Upper Congo, with dictionary  

Creator:  Stapleton, Walter Henry
Longland, Frank
Publication Date: 1914
Publisher: Baptist Missionary Society ( Bolobo, Congo Belge )
Type: Book
Format: a-i, 181 p. ; 18 cm.
Edition: 2nd Edition, Revised and Enlarged
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: SOAS, University of London
Subject Keyword:  Lingala language
Lingala language -- Grammar
Lingala language -- Dictionaries -- English
English language -- Dictionaries -- Lingala
Spatial Coverage:  Africa -- Congo (Brazzaville) -- Mai-Ndombe Province -- Plateaux District -- Bolobo Territory -- Bolobo
Afrique -- Congo (Brazzaville) -- Province de Mai-Ndombe -- District des Plateaux -- Territoire de Bolobo -- Bolobo
Genre:  Grammars
Language:  English
Suggestions for a grammar of "Bangala", the "lingua franca" of the Upper Congo, with dictionary