David Godfrey swimming in Lake Chad, June 1961

David Godfrey swimming in Lake Chad, June 1961  

Creator: Godfrey, Beryl ( Photographer )
Publication Date: 1961
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Donor: Susan Hunt and the Estate of David George Godfrey
Subject Keyword:  Chad, Lake-
Godfrey, David George
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Chad -- Lac -- Kaouda -- Kaouda
Language: English
David Godfrey swimming in Lake Chad, June 1961
Winneba swimming pool, July 1962

Winneba swimming pool, July 1962  

Creator: Godfrey, Beryl ( Photographer )
Publication Date: 1962
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Donor: Susan Hunt and the Estate of David George Godfrey
Subject Keyword:  Winneba (Ghana)
Swimming pools
unknownGodfrey, David George
unknownHunt, Susan
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Ghana -- Central Region -- Effutu Municipal District -- Winneba
Language: English
Winneba swimming pool, July 1962
Winneba swimming pool, June 1962

Winneba swimming pool, June 1962  

Creator: Godfrey, Beryl ( Photographer )
Publication Date: 1962
Type: Photograph
Source Institution: SOAS University of London
Holding Location: Special Collections
Donor: Susan Hunt and the Estate of David George Godfrey
Subject Keyword:  Winneba (Ghana)
Swimming pools
unknownGodfrey, Kim
Spatial Coverage: Africa -- Ghana -- Central Region -- Effutu Municipal District -- Winneba
Language: English
Winneba swimming pool, June 1962