No. Title Date
1 Ang's brother woodcarving
2 Ang's brother woodcarving
3 Ang's brother woodcarving
4 Anthropomorphic figure carved of wood : Standing inside a cavern on a stone platform.
5 Anthropomorphic figure carved of wood : Standing inside a cavern on a stone platform.
6 Anthropomorphic wooden figures
7 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
8 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
9 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
10 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
11 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
12 Apatani man jumping over a bamboo pole
13 Apatani village with a ritual pole
14 Apatani village with a ritual pole
15 Bala morung with finely decorated roof gable
16 Bamboo poles are tied to the wooden posts to form the framework of the granary
17 Bamboo poles are tied to the wooden posts to form the framework of the granary
18 Buffalo horns on a post in front of a morung
19 Carved anthropomorphic figure inside of Lingba morung
20 Carved figure of a man riding a horse