No. Title Date
1 " Yangam coolies at Mongnyu " (Image number B.009, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
2 " Yangam coolies at Mongnyu " (Image number B.010, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
3 Advance to the Wenshoyi khel of Pangsha (Image Y.22 : J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
4 Skip Navigation Links.
5 Bamboo bridge over stream
6 Bamboo grave enclosures with upside-down calabashes on stakes
7 Bilaeshi khel of Tuensang is holding a dance : Row of Dancers (Image number D.026, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
8 Bilaeshi khel of Tuensang is holding a dance : Row of Dancers (Image number D.027, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
9 Bilaeshi khel of Tuensang is holding a dance : Row of Dancers (Image number D.028, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
10 Bilaeshi khel of Tuensang is holding a dance : Row of Dancers (Image number D.029, J.P. Mills Photographic Collection)
11 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
12 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
13 Building a camp on an island in the Langnyu river below Pangsha
14 Burning colony village of Pangsha
15 Burning granary
16 Burning granary
17 Camp at Helipong
18 Carved figures of leopards on a vertical morung post, with hanging basket-heads and wooden skulls
19 Carved house posts
20 Carved wooden post with leopards biting each other's necks