No. Title Date
1 al-duʿāʾu al-sayfī by ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib & al- duʿāʾ al-magunī : (Duawu Sayfi & Mogunī)
2 Bororo 'tegbus' (male song and dance performance) then Tuareg song (T3A)
3 Documenting Hausa popular literature
4 Leaves from the Qur'an of the Grand Imam Yousouf (N'Guigmi, Niger, 2010)
5 maʿrifat al-dunyā by ʿUbayd Allāh ʿĪsā bn ʿAlī al-Ashʿarī al-Mālikī al-Tijānī
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 Note sure l'histoire de la haute vallée du Niger (mandé)
8 Securing the commons
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Tuareg 'ezelay' (male sung heroic ballad) (T4B)
11 Tuareg 'ezelay' (male sung heroic ballad) (T5A)
12 Tuareg 'ezelay' (male sung heroic ballad) (T5B)
13 Tuareg 'tegbus' (male dance to female song performance) (T3B)
14 Tuareg 'tende' (female possession drumming) drum, song and dance performance (T1B)
15 Tuareg 'tende' (female possession drumming), musical warmup (T1A)
16 Unidentified item
17 Unidentified item
18 Unidentified item
19 Unidentified item
20 Unidentified item