No. Title Date
1 劉玄德三顧單廬戲劇
2 開明國文講義
3 大同書
4 孝女蔡彈詞
5 Ubaliyambuha jalan de ulhibure oyomggo gisun i bithe
6 腰鼓舞
7 腰鼓舞
8 Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman; making revolution depends on Mao Tsetung thought
9 大海航行靠舵手干革命靠毛洚东思想
10 開明國文講義
11 東郭蕭鼓兒詞 / 蒲留仙著 ; 陳琪校訂.
12 鄭孝胥宜園記
13 何紹基先生墨寶
14 小兒語
15 小兒語
16 Photograph, 'Kushan Monastery' [Gushan, China]
17 Photograph, mountainside covered with stunted pine trees, with mist/low cloud
18 Photograph, 'Picnic Party, Kushan' [Gushan, China]
19 Photograph, 'Picnic Party, Kushan' [Gushan, China]
20 Photograph, 'Picnic Party, Kushan' [Gushan, China]