No. Title Date
1 Anand Gopāl Das (from Calcutta) performing kīrtan at Jai Singh Gheṛā
2 Anand Gopāl Das (from Calcutta) performing kīrtan at Jai Singh Gheṛā
3 Close-up photograph of some of the women at the Śrī Bhagavan Bhajan Āśram
4 Devotees singing padas of Śrī Hitaharivaṃśa in Rādhāvallabh temple
5 Devotees singing padas of Śrī Hitaharivaṃśa in Rādhāvallabh temple
6 Evening kīrtan before the deities at Kṛṣṇa-Balarām temple (ISKCON)
7 Evening kīrtan before the deities at Kṛṣṇa-Balarām temple (ISKCON)
8 Group of Bengali kīrtan singers performing in the library of the Vrīndaban Research Institute
9 Group of men performing kīrtan near Bāṃke Bihārī temple
10 Group of people dancing and singing songs (rasiyā) prior to the enactment of the Maṭukī Līlā
11 Group of people dancing and singing songs (rasiyā) prior to the enactment of the Maṭukī Līlā
12 Group of villagers
13 Group of villagers singing
14 Group of villagers singing
15 Group of villagers singing and two old men dancing
16 Group of villagers singing and two old men dancing
17 Kīrtan at Candramohan Poddār (Śri Hari Kīrtan Bhavan) on the parikramā mārg
18 Kīrtan at Candramohan Poddār (Śri Hari Kīrtan Bhavan) on the parikramā mārg
19 Men singing, standing around a fire
20 People singing and dancing in the procession