No. Title Date
1 Austronesian linguistics and intra-subgroup comparison
2 Cantos 63-69 of the Nāgarakrtāgama : Posthumous ceremony in honour op the Raja Patni
3 Categories for the description of the verbal syntagma in Burmese
4 Comparative notes on the Austronesian languages of New Guinea
5 Contributions to a comparative Philippine syntax
6 Danaw, a dying austro-asiatic language
7 Deux notes sur le Mnong gar
8 Dialect and language : investigated with some examples from Indonesian languages
9 Direct and indirect inheritance in Rotuman
10 Endocentricity in Vietnamese syntax
11 Errata [to articles circulated during the Conference on Linguistic Problems of the Indo-Pacific Area]
12 Experiments in matrix reduction applied ot Austronesian data
13 Final -k in Khasi : a secondary phonological pattern
14 Formosan evidence for some new proto-Austronesian phonemes
15 Free variation in Munda phonology
16 Gutob-Remo vocalism and glottalised vowels in proto-Munda
17 Initial nasal clusters in eastern and western Austronesian
18 Interpretation of archaic writing systems
19 Languages of Micronesia : their unity and diversity
20 Migrations of the Malayopoloynesians