No. Title Date
1 Apatanis building a house
2 Apatanis building a house
3 Bamboo framework of a house
4 Boys dragging a pillar to the building site
5 Building an Apatani house
6 Building the wall structure of the house
7 Building the wall structure of the house - blurred
8 Chenchu building a hut
9 Chenchu man bringing bamboo for house building
10 Chenchu man bringing bamboo for house building
11 Chenchu man bringing bamboo for house building
12 Chenchu man collecting bamboo for house building
13 Chenchu man making a house wall
14 Chenchu man making a house wall
15 Chenchu man making a house wall
16 Chenchu man stripping bamboo for house building
17 Chenchu men building a house
18 Chenchus building a house
19 Chenchus building a house
20 Chenchus building a house