No. Title Date
1 British opium policy and its results to India and China
2 China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 12 March 1840; for, copies of all communications between the board of treasury, or the India board, or any other public department, and the parties or their agents who are holders of certificates or bills granted by the chief superintendent at Canton for opium surrendered to the Chinese authorities; together with an account of the number of such bills or certificates, and of the amount in sterling value which they represent
3 China : further return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 12 March 1840; for, copies of all communications between the board of treasury, or the India board, or any other public department, and the parties or their agents who are holders of certificates or bills granted by the chief superintendent at Canton for opium surrendered to the Chinse authorities
4 China : return to an order of the Hon the House of Commons dated 13 April 1840; for, copy of a communication from certain merchants of the city of London to the secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, with reference to the measures adopted by Her Majesty's Government, on the interruption of the commercial intercourse with China, with signatures attached thereto
5 China (opium) : an estimate of the sum required to make good to certain holders of opium surrendered in China in March 1839 the amount of compensation due to them under the 4th article of the Treaty of peace with China
6 Corrected report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Lord Ashley's motion on the opium trade, in the House of Commons, April 4, 1843 : with introductory remarks, and an appendix
7 Correspondence relative to the actual value of the opium delivered up to the Chinese authorities in 1839
8 Correspondence relative to the difference between the number of chests of opium undertaken to be surrendered by Heerjeebhoy Rustumjee, and the number of chests actually surrendered by Heerjeebhoy Rustumjee
9 Correspondence relative to the International Opium Commission at Shanghae, 1909
10 Correspondence respecting the opium question in China
11 Correspondence with the United States' Government Respecting Foreign Trade in China
12 Despatches from Sir A. Hosie forwarding reports respecting the opium question in China
13 East India and China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons dated 13 March 1846; for a return "of the value of bullion imported into each of the Indian presidencies from China in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the value of bullion exported from the Indian presidencies to China in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the amount realized upon the opium sold by the East India Company in the Bengal presidency in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the quantity and estimated value of the opium for which passes were granted by the authorities in the Bombay presidency in the years 1830 to 1845 ..."
14 The Indian opium revenue : its nature and effects
15 The medical aspect of the opium question
16 No opium! : or, Commerce and Christianity, working together for good in China
17 Opium (Hong Kong) : return to an address of the Hon the House of Commons dated 8 August 1859; for "copies of the ordinance (no 2 of 1858) passed by the Hong Kong Legislative Council, for 'licensing and regulating the sale of prepared opium', specifying the date of its confirmation by Her Majesty's Government", "Of the grants thereunder made of the sole privilege of preparing opium and selling the same within Hong Kong", "Of the report and minutes of a committee of the said counsil upon certain circumstances conencted with the first grant of such privelege, and the minte o council adopting report", "and of all correspondence relating to the matters aforsaid"
18 Opium (Hong Kong) : return to an address of the honourable the House of Commons dated 22 April 1847 : "for copies of ordinance no. 21 of 1844 for licensing the sale of opium within the colony of Hong Kong dated 26th day of November 1844", "of the regulations for the sale of opium by retail, made by his excellency the governor of Hong Kong, dated 28th day of February 1845, or any other regulations on the subject", "of dissent in Legislative Council of Hong Kong by R. Montgomery Martin, on the proposition for licensing the retail consumption of opium in Hong Kong"
19 Opium : has it any use, other than a strictly medical one?
20 Opium crisis : a letter addressed to Charles Elliot, Esq., Chief Superintendent of the british trade with China