No. Title Date
1 Actors Ichikawa Danjurō, Iwai Hanshirō IV, and Nakamura Rikō I, standing in front of a shrine corridor
2 As the Chinese see us
3 Bay outside Hong Kong
4 Bible in Chinese : Morrison's life work
5 The Bund from Palace Hotel
6 The Bund from the river, Shanghai
7 The Bund, Shanghai
8 Canton Factories
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Skip Navigation Links.
11 Council Minutes
12 The foreigner in far Cathay
13 Group photograph, including R.F.C. Hedgeland, in the courtyard of Schomberg & Co.'s house
14 Group photograph, including R.F.C. Hedgeland, in the courtyard of Schomberg & Co.'s house
15 Idols in temple, Canton
16 Late Rev. Dr. Morrison's Chinese library
17 Skip Navigation Links.
18 Skip Navigation Links.
19 Skip Navigation Links.
20 Skip Navigation Links.