No. Title Date
1 Actors Ichikawa Danjurō, Iwai Hanshirō IV, and Nakamura Rikō I, standing in front of a shrine corridor
2 As the Chinese see us
3 Bay outside Hong Kong
4 Bible in Chinese : Morrison's life work
5 The Bund from Palace Hotel
6 The Bund from the river, Shanghai
7 The Bund, Shanghai
8 Canton Factories
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Skip Navigation Links.
11 Council Minutes
12 The foreigner in far Cathay
13 Group photograph, including R.F.C. Hedgeland, in the courtyard of Schomberg & Co.'s house
14 Group photograph, including R.F.C. Hedgeland, in the courtyard of Schomberg & Co.'s house
15 Idols in temple, Canton
16 Language map of further India and the Indian Archipelago
17 Late Rev. Dr. Morrison's Chinese library
18 Skip Navigation Links.
19 Skip Navigation Links.
20 Skip Navigation Links.