No. Title Date
1 English Luchu vocabulary
2 Ichikawa Danjūrō V as Kampei in a Chūshingura play standing under a night sky holding a firearm in one hand and a lighted hinawa for firing the gun in the other
3 Ikushima Kashiwagi in the role of a young samurai, wearing Kamishimo and long hakama
4 Letter from [a lady], 11 February 1821
5 Photograph, Asiatic Petroleum Company building, Nanning
6 Photograph, Asiatic Petroleum Company building, Nanning
7 Photograph captioned 'Peking Railway Station'
8 Photograph, 'Man Hing Hong after the fire'
9 Photograph, 'Man Hing Hong after the fire'
10 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland and staff of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Nanning
11 Photograph, R.F.C. Hedgeland and staff of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, Nanning
12 Photograph, 'Scene of the fire Jan[uary] 1888'