No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
2 Actor Matsumoto Kōshirō IV as a samurai supporting himself on his sword and holding a fan in his right hand
3 Actors Otani Oniji (right), Ichikawa Monnosuke II (center) holding a go board under his arm, and Segawa Kikunojō III holding a hat in his right hand
4 Chitochezie forest fire, 20th April 1913 -- this section of the forest was set on fire by Hung Hutzes (Honghuzi) as retaliation for non-payment of blackmail
5 Chuang-tzŭ : textual notes to a partial translation
6 Flattened globular flask
7 Huang Jiguang
8 Hyogo no Kami Yorimasa
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Lun nyu, book of Conversation
11 Skip Navigation Links.
12 Mother holding leaves from which has cone the tree­cake held by her small son standing beside her
13 Nakamura Utaemon I as a samurai supporting himself on his sword in front of shōji in which the figures of a number of men are silhouetted
14 Papers regarding the disposal of the British share of the China Indemnity of 1901, September 19-November 14, 1930 : presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by Command of His Majesty
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Skip Navigation Links.
17 Peking lassies : a sketch of life and work in an L.M.S. girls' boarding school
18 Photograph captioned 'Entrance to British Legation at Peking'
19 Photograph captioned 'Fort Egeria, Hoihow, Hainan'
20 Photograph captioned 'Fort Egeria, Hoihow, Hainan'