No. Title Date
1 The "pink 'un"
2 5 storey pagoda
3 Skip Navigation Links.
4 Account of Singapore institution
5 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
6 Actor Ichikawa Yaozō as Tachibanaya Hachirōbei and Segawa Kikunojō as Hamoya Otsuma in the play is "Awase Kosode Chishio no Some iro" performed in 1799 at Ichimura theatre
7 Actors Ichikawa Danjūrō V, Osagawa Tsuneyo II and Bandō Mitsugorō I
8 Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-Po t'u-wo : feng pʻintang-pʻin : yih-pin cü siang-te-go tsih-tsông
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Album presented to Rev. Samuel Evans Meech "from his colleagues in North China"
11 Skip Navigation Links.
12 Alter Temiar, Ulu Panas, Kelantan
13 An accoustic analysis of the vowels of Khorchin Mongolian
14 An Address on Manchuria its past and present and reply to prof Shuhsi-Hsu's criticisms and observations : Third Biennial Conference, Institute of Pacific Relations
15 An inquiry into the commercial liabilities and assets of China in international trade
16 Anglo-Chinese calendar for 250 years : 1751-2000
17 Anglo-Chinese College
18 Another view of the temple
19 As the Chinese see us
20 Astronomical instruments used long ago by French priests