No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
2 Abhandlung über die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren : nebst einem Wörterverzeichnisse und anderen uigurischen Sprachproben, aus dem Kaiserlichen Übersetzungshofe zu Peking
3 Actor Matsumoto Kōshirō IV as a samurai supporting himself on his sword and holding a fan in his right hand
4 Actors Otani Oniji (right), Ichikawa Monnosuke II (center) holding a go board under his arm, and Segawa Kikunojō III holding a hat in his right hand
5 Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-Po t'u-wo : feng pʻintang-pʻin : yih-pin cü siang-te-go tsih-tsông
6 Alphabet mantchou : rédigé d'après le syllabaire et le dictionnaire universel de cette langue
7 An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chinese : with an analysis of their ancient symbols and hieroglyphics
8 Canonese, English, Putonghua : trilingualism in Hong Kong before and after the 1997 handover
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Chitochezie forest fire, 20th April 1913 -- this section of the forest was set on fire by Hung Hutzes (Honghuzi) as retaliation for non-payment of blackmail
11 Chrestomathie mandchou : ou, Recueil de textes mandchou, destiné aux personnes qui veulent s'occuper de l'étude de cette langue
12 Chuang-tzŭ : textual notes to a partial translation
13 Da‘ Yah, the Great study
14 Dictionarium Sinense-Latinum Sum-Kiam : scribebant Sem. Nan-kin Alumni
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 The evolution of the Chinese language, as exemplifying the origin and growth of human speech
17 Fan presented by Henry Puyi, the last Emperor of China, to his tutor Sir Reginald Johnston (MS 381195)
18 Flattened globular flask
19 Skip Navigation Links.
20 Han i araha Mukden-i fujurun bithe : Yu zhi Sheng ching fu