No. Title Date
1 5 storey pagoda
2 Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-Po t'u-wo : feng pʻintang-pʻin : yih-pin cü siang-te-go tsih-tsông
3 Skip Navigation Links.
4 An Address on Manchuria its past and present and reply to prof Shuhsi-Hsu's criticisms and observations : Third Biennial Conference, Institute of Pacific Relations
5 Anglo-Chinese College
6 Skip Navigation Links.
7 At the grave of Robert Morrison
8 Bible in Chinese : Morrison's life work
9 Brief report of the hospital at Kau-le-fau in Canton, during the year 1852
10 A brief summary of mdo bskal bzang : the sutra on the glorious age
11 Buddhist priest in courtyard of temple, Canton
12 Canton Factories
13 Catalogue of Japanese manuscripts in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies together with a short history of manuscripts in Japan
14 Catalogue of publications of translation and monitoring services and of periodicals dealing with the People's Republic of China in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies
15 Catalogue of the Morrison collection of Chinese books : Malixun cang shu shu mu
16 Skip Navigation Links.
17 China Field Force orders : Peking, 29th January 1901
18 Chinese rare books in the P.D.F.
19 Chuang-tzŭ : textual notes to a partial translation
20 City hall fountain, Hong Kong