No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
2 Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-Po t'u-wo : feng pʻintang-pʻin : yih-pin cü siang-te-go tsih-tsông
3 An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chinese : with an analysis of their ancient symbols and hieroglyphics
4 Arte bre da lingoa Iapoa da Arte grande da me lingoa, pera os que começam a aprer os primeiros principios della
5 Canonese, English, Putonghua : trilingualism in Hong Kong before and after the 1997 handover
6 A catalogue of books dealing with the Ainu in the Library of the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London
7 Catalogue of Japanese manuscripts in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies together with a short history of manuscripts in Japan
8 China Field Force orders : Peking, 29th January 1901
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 Chinese without a teacher : being a collection of easy and useful sentences in the Mandarin dialect with a vocabulary
11 Da‘ Yah, the Great study
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 The evolution of the Chinese language, as exemplifying the origin and growth of human speech
14 Skip Navigation Links.
15 Skip Navigation Links.
16 Skip Navigation Links.
17 Skip Navigation Links.
18 Hong Kong harbour
19 Hong Kong harbour
20 Japanese for all : the teaching of Japanese language in secondary schools and adult education classes