No. Title Date
1 Alter Temiar, Ulu Panas, Kelantan
2 Anglo-Chinese College
3 Backs of tablets from Tung Sung, Siam
4 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
5 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
6 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
7 Clay fragment from Bukit Berkala, Perlis
8 Eleventh report of the Anglo-Chinese College; for the year 1835
9 Extract of letter from Mr. Rentso [?] to J. Gaele, 1.2.35
10 Fifth annual report of the Anglo-Chinese College, with an appendix
11 Fourth annual report of the Anglo-Chinese College
12 Fragments of tablets from Bukit Berkala, Perlis : Small yellow fragment (cf, tablets from Tung Sung) [and] stamps on backs of large tablets bearing figures on front
13 Fragments of tablets from Bukit Berkala, Perlis : Fronts
14 Fragments of tablets from Bukit Berkala, Perlis : Chops on front only
15 Lord's prayer in Chinese characters
16 MS 360895. Box 1. Folder 4. Item 34 [Unidentifed Malay text in Jawi script]
17 Negritostamme der Malayschen Halbinsel : Gliederung und Namen
18 Ninth report of the Anglo-Chinese College; for the years 1832 and 1833
19 Photograph, 'Penang'
20 Photograph, 'Penang, public garden'