No. Title Date
1 2015 : A year of achievements and mishaps
2 The battle for Mahendra highway : In Saptari, four Madhesi protesters are killed by the police within 24 hours
3 Justice undone : The government is taking advantage of the earthquake to further marginalise conflict victims
4 Like we are not human enough to deserve rights
5 Mood swing : There is palpable difference in the mood on Birganj stree now and 2003-2006 protests in Kathmandu
6 Past and present : Top leaders must engage with Tharu leaders and seek a political solution
7 Risk of intractability : Normalcy will be found only during brief interludes if intransigency supersedes sagacity in negotiations with Madheshis and Tharus
8 Shooting in Saptari : Oli govt and Kathmandu's civil society should urgently reach out to Madhes
9 Tangible and intangible : Govt should simultaneously address the post-quake problem and the Tharu protests again the proposed provinces
10 Trouble in Tikapur : Violence sparked by the "fast track" constitution still divides the Tharus and Pahadis
11 Year that was : What momentus happening would it take for Nepal to change?
12 Year to remember