No. Title Date
1 Clay statue of a god riding an animal inside a shrine
2 Clay statue of a god riding an animal inside a shrine
3 Fire burning during a ritual
4 Fire burning during a ritual
5 Fire burning during a ritual
6 Funeral celebration - Altar
7 Funeral celebration - Altar
8 Funeral celebration - Altar
9 Funeral celebration - Altar
10 Grave with crude human figure
11 Monolith with a carved human figure tied to it
12 Small figures of the dead with their utensils
13 Small figures of the dead with their utensils
14 Small figures of the dead with their utensils
15 Two carved wooden grave figures
16 Two carved wooden grave figures
17 Two carved wooden human figures arm in arm
18 Two wooden effigies with face tattoos
19 Two wooden effigies with face tattoos