No. Title Date
1 Ang of Chintang sitting on a low wooden bed with hornbill head
2 Anthropomorphic figure carved of wood : Standing inside a cavern on a stone platform.
3 Anthropomorphic figure carved of wood : Standing inside a cavern on a stone platform.
4 Anthropomorphic wooden figures
5 Apatani phallic play
6 Apatani phallic play
7 Apatani phallic play
8 Bala morung with finely decorated roof gable
9 Bhīṣma and Yuddhisthira from a manuscript of Bhīṣmastavarājastotra (Acquisition Number 4348)
10 Bhīṣma and Yuddhiṣṭhira from a manuscript of Pañcagītā (Acquisition Number 8288)
11 Bhīṣma and Yuddhiṣṭhira with facing page of text with a decorative border from a manuscript of Pañcagītā (Acquisition Number 8288)
12 Boys preparing a hornbill feather headdress
13 Buffalo horns on a post in front of a morung
14 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
15 Carved figure of a man riding a horse
16 Carved figures of leopards on a vertical morung post, with hanging basket-heads and wooden skulls
17 Carved house front
18 Carved wooden post with leopards biting each other's necks
19 Carving a decorated open coffin at Wakching
20 Carving a hornbill head onto a coffin at Wakching