No. Title Date
1 Cow decorated for Annakūṭ
2 Govardhan Pūjā : a figure of Govardhana being made from cow dung for pūjā which involves the offering of various foods (khīl, pūṛī and sweets), āratī and parikramā
3 Group of men dancing with bunches of peacock feathers during Govardhan Pūjā
4 Group of men dancing with bunches of peacock feathers during Govardhan Pūjā
5 Group of men dancing with bunches of peacock feathers during Govardhan Pūjā
6 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
7 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
8 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
9 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
10 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
11 Group of men performing rasiya near Mānasī Gaṇgā : folk song and dance with sticks performed by men dressed in yellow
12 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
13 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
14 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
15 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
16 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
17 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
18 Group of men wearing yellow kurtas and dhotis dancing with sticks -- One figure dressed in ragged garments carries a rag doll which is thrown up in the air, the others perform a round dance tapping their sticks together
19 Procession accompanying deities from the Vallabha temples to the site of Govardhan Pūjā
20 Procession accompanying deities from the Vallabha temples to the site of Govardhan Pūjā