No. Title Date
1 Preparation of bhang at Cāmuṇḍā Devī temple
2 Two men preparing bhang near Keśi Ghāṭ
3 Two men preparing bhang near Keśi Ghāṭ
4 Gosvāmī feeding monkeys
5 Wood yard near Pratāp Bazaar
6 Buffalo cart in a narrow street
7 Sweeper carrying a goatskin filled with water
8 Wood cart
9 Camel cart
10 Pedestrians and beggars in a narrow street
11 Wood cart
12 Trucks being dug out of the main road which had subsided during the rains
13 Hut-dwelling at Candra Sarovar
14 Hut-dwelling at Candra Sarovar
15 Street scene
16 Street scene
17 Street scene
18 Women carrying pots to and from the well
19 Women carrying pots to and from the well
20 Women carrying pots to and from the well