No. Title Date
1 Funeral ceremony of a Angami Naga man
2 Funeral ceremony of a Angami Naga man - Procession to the grave
3 Chenchu men drinking during a funeral feast
4 Chenchu men drinking during a funeral feast
5 Chenchu men drinking during a funeral feast
6 Chenchus and Christoph von Furer-Haimendorf drinking from leaf-cups during a funeral feast
7 Submerging food-offerings during a Chenchu funeral feast
8 Submerging food-offerings during a Chenchu funeral feast
9 Submerging food-offerings during a Chenchu funeral feast
10 Chenchus drinking from leaf-cups during a funeral feast
11 Chenchu funeral ritual
12 Shaving a boy's head during a Chenchu funeral feast
13 Shaving a boy's head during a Chenchu funeral feast
14 Shaving a boy's head during a Chenchu funeral feast
15 Chenchu funeral ritual
16 Food-offering at a Chenchu grave
17 Raj Gond funeral
18 Raj Gond corpse before burning
19 Raj Gond corpse before burning
20 Raj Gond funeral procession