No. Title Date
1 Will of James Hart [7 September 1793]
2 First Codicil, dated 13 Feb'y 1796
3 Dr. George Hart, Son of James Hart, deceased : in account with Thomas Smith, in trust [ca. 1815]
4 Form of discharge sent to Jamaica for the balance of the foregoing account for the signatures of the parties [1816]
5 इमान्दारिताको कदर नहुने देशमा कसरी फर्कू हजुरआमा
6 Housekeeping first : PM Kp Oli must revive the Reconstruction Authority to jumpstart rebuilding and redevelopment
7 भूकम्प व्यापार
8 सरकारले मानवताविरुद्ध अपराध गरिरहेको छ
9 Oral history interview with Jyoti Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
10 Oral history interview with Rajesh Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
11 Oral history interview with Rajesh Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
12 Oral history interview with cojso00003 : Kanji Swami community in London
13 Oral history interview with cojso00003 : Kanji Swami community in London
14 Oral history interview with Jyoti Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
15 Note book containing press cuttings on life in South Africa, on segregation, native pass laws and related topics
16 Note book containing notes for Sechuana proverbs and their European equivalents
17 Collection of assorted press cuttings on Plaatje's death, obituaries etc.
18 Oral history interview with Jyoti Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
19 Oral history interview with Rajesh Shah : Kanji Swami community in London
20 Oral history interview with cojso00003 : Kanji Swami community in London