No. Title Date
1 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
2 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
3 An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China : including cursory observations made, and information obtained, in travelling through that ancient empire, and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the voyage undertaken on the occasion of His Majesty's ship the Lion, and the ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's service, to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin, as well as of their return to Europe
4 Ship voyage : Return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 1 April 1840: - for, copy of any despatch of letter from captain Smith, of Her Majesty's ship Volage, detailing the particulars of the action in which that ship was engaged with the war junks of the Chinese government
5 Estimates : 1. Canada - expenses of the service consequent upon the late insurrection; 2. China - expenses of the expedition for the year ending 31 March 1842
6 Ship voyage : return to an order for the honourable the House of commons, dated 1 April 1840: for, copy of any despatch or letter from captain Smith, of Her Majesty's ship Volage, datailing the particulars of the action in which that ship was engaged with the war junks of the Chinese government
7 Closing events of the campaign in China : the operations in the Yang-tze-kiang and treaty of Nanking
8 Supplementary treaty between Her Majesty and the Emperor of China, signed at Hoomun-Chae, October 8, 1843, with other documents relating thereto
9 Treaty between Her Majesty and the Emperor of China, signed, in the English and Chinese languages, at Nanking, August 29, 1842, with other documents relating thereto
10 Correspondence relative to the operations in the Canton river, April 1847
11 China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons, dated 30 May 1853; for, return "of property captured or detained by the combined forces in China, from the 25th day of August 1841, showing the actual amount of money in British sterling received, and in what manner disposed of; with the amount paid as batta, or on any other account, to the naval and military forces employed during the service"
12 China during the war and since the peace, by Sir John Francis Davis...1852 : [review]
13 China
14 Our policy in China : or a glance at the past, present and future of China, in its foreign relations and commerce
15 Further correspondence with Mr Bruce, Her Majesty's envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary in China
16 Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, relative to joint captures in China : signed at Paris, February 22 1860
17 China : return to an order of the Hon the House of Commons dated 11 July 1860 ; for, statements "showing the total amount of grants made by estimates submitted to Parliament in the present session to meet the expenses of hostilities in China including the estimate lately presented to the house; the additions (as nearly as the same can be calculated) made the army and navy estimates of the current year, on account of the contemplated operations; votes to cover deficiencies in the estimated of last yeat, arising from the expenses of preparing from these operations; and, votes of credit;"", "Showing, up to the latest date to which the same can be given, the amounts expended inder following heads -1. Pay and allowances of troops sent to China; 2. Cost of transport of troops to China; 3. Cost and freight of naval and military stores sent to China, including coals; 4. Other charges" , "And, showing dates of various orders given for sending troops and stores to China"
18 Chinese expedition 1859-60 : vote of credit; Chinese expedition
19 China (vote of credit) 1860 : an estimate of the sum required to be voted towards defraying the expenses of naval and military operations in China beyond the ordinary grants for navy and army services for the year 1860-1; including a repayment of £ 443,896 to the Government of India, for advances on account of former expeditions to China
20 China : estimate of grant to marine forces in China