No. Title Date
1 Historia delas cosas mas notables, ritos y costvmbres del gran reyno dela China : sabidas assi por los libros delos mesmos Chinas, como por relacion de religiosos y otras personas que a estado en el dicho reyno
2 آداب السلطنة
3 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
4 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
5 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
6 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
7 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
8 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
9 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
10 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
11 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
12 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
13 Letter from Robert Morrison, 27 May 1804, Hoxton
14 Sermons, preached in London, at the general meeting of the London Missionary Society : to which are prefixed the proceedings of the meeting and the report of the directors
15 Letter from William Brown, 09 August 1805, Edinburgh
16 Letter from Robert Morrison, 27 December 1805, London
17 Letter from Robert Morrison, 13 November 1805, London
18 Letter from Robert Morrison, 30 October 1805, London
19 Letter from Robert Morrison, 04 December 1805, London
20 Letter from Robert Morrison, 07 September 1805, London