No. Title Date
1 Plan and survey of the Bala Hissar or Fort of Cabul shewing the present state and nature of its defences and pointing out repairs and improvements recommended for its better security
2 'The Six Malagasy Christians (now in England) waiting at Tamatave to embark for Mauritius'
3 'The Six Malagasy Christians (now in England) waiting at Tamatave to embark for Mauritius'
4 Plan of Herat Fort
5 Plan and sections of Ghuznee
6 Photograph, 'Pagoda of Foochow lacquer, 14ft high. Sent to Paris Exhibition 1889 by Fumer(?) & Co.'
7 Буддийское искусство въ Индш
8 慶賀新年圖
9 Letter from Lesley Bayford dated 1909 September 14
10 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1912 February 2
11 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1916 November 15
12 Letter from Will Powell dated 1915 April 10
13 Letter from Walter Schiller dated 1916 November 21
14 Letter from R. L. Hobson dated 1916 September 22
15 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1916 June 23
16 Beginnings of Buddhist art, and other essays in Indian and Central-Asian archæology
17 Letter from W. Crewdown dated 1917 October 25
18 Letter from Lionel Giles dated 1917 June 21
19 Letter from S. Honga dated 1917 May 22
20 Letter from Samuel Couling dated 1919 January 12