No. Title Date
1 आन्दोलनमा समर्थन खोज्दै जनजाती नेताहरु भारतीय दूतावास पुगे
2 The country is yours : The quake has provided us with a chance to finally right the years of discrimination faced by Tamangs
3 [Constitution special] Forgotten promises : The rights of marginalised communities and minorities in Nepal’s constitution 2015
4 Trouble in Tikapur : Violence sparked by the "fast track" constitution still divides the Tharus and Pahadis
5 Heart of the matter, part 3 : Unequal power relations and extractive development are condemning Tamang communities to poverty
6 Heart of the matter, part 1 : The effects of two centuries of exploitation in the Tamang heartland are inhibiting its recovery from the earthquake
7 The great divide : Why were discussions about relief and rebuilding being conducted in a language that was so removed from lived experience of most affected people? What kinds of solutions will emerge from a discussion that excludes its main subject from starting point?
8 तामांग ट्रेल सुरक्षित
9 राष्ट्रियताको बहस: केहि घर्षणहरु
10 Behind the Indian boom : inequality and resistance at the heart of economic growth