No. Title Date
1 Photograph captioned 'Christmas Dinner 1902 at Commissioner’s House'
2 新春对联
3 Offering for the Hungry Ghost Festival
4 腰鼓舞
5 慶祝中華人民共和國成立
6 腰鼓舞
7 新年勞軍
8 慶祝中華人民共和國國慶節
9 慶祝中華人民共和國國慶節
10 在毛澤東的勝利旗幟下前進
11 在毛澤東的勝利旗幟下前進
12 洪福齊天春牛圖
13 Photograph, tennis courts by the Hôtel Beau Site, Cannes, France
14 Photograph, 'St. Marguerite, Cannes'
15 Photograph, 'Cannes'
16 Photograph, 'Château des Tours, Cannes'
17 Photograph, 'La Croiselle, Cannes'
18 Photograph, 'Les Rochers, Cannes'
19 Photograph, 'Cannes'
20 Two swordsmen standing with naked blades in their hands, the right-hand one played by Otani Hiroji III, the left-hand one by Nakamura Sukegorō II