No. Title Date
1 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 28
2 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April [date uknown]
3 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 22
4 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 17
5 Letter from [H. P. Wilkinson] to [John Pender Wake], [1890]
6 Chefoo Foreshore questions : [transcription of a]China newspaper cutting, Sep. 24th 1896
7 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade and commerce of Shanghai
8 China : Report for the year 1896 on the trade of Shanghai
9 China : Report for the year 1897 on the trade of Shanghai, with Soochow and Hanghow
10 China : Report for the year 1898 on the trade of Shanghai
11 China : Report for the year 1905 on the trade of Shanghai
12 China : Report for the year 1901-04 on the trade of Shanghai
13 China : Report for the year 1906 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
14 China : Report for the year 1907 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
15 China : Report for the year 1910 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
16 China : Report for the year 1911 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
17 China : Report for the year 1912 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
18 China : Report for the year 1913 on the trade of Shanghai : Edited at the Foreign Office and the Board of Trade
19 新春对联
20 Supreme Court and consular gazette, and law reporter for the Supreme & provincial courts of China & Japan