No. Title Date
1 Letter from William Lockhart, 30 May 1843, Hong Kong
2 Letter from William Lockhart, 18 January 1844, Tinghae
3 Letter from James Legge, 25 September 1850, Hong Kong
4 Letter from James Legge and John Chalmers, 21 June 1854, Hong Kong
5 Letter from James Legge, 04 June 1854, Hong Kong
6 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 13 January 1855, Canton
7 Letter from Walter Henry Medhurst 06 November 1855, Shanghai
8 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 29 January 1857, Hong Kong
9 Letter from Benjamin Hobson, 05 February 1857, Hong Kong
10 Letter from James Legge, 04 October 1865, Shanghai
11 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 28
12 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April [date uknown]
13 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 22
14 Letter from Robert Hart to J. D. Campbell, 1882 April 17
15 Letter from [H. P. Wilkinson] to [John Pender Wake], [1890]
16 Chefoo Foreshore questions : [transcription of a]China newspaper cutting, Sep. 24th 1896
17 China : Report for the year 1895 on the trade and commerce of Shanghai
18 China : Report for the year 1896 on the trade of Shanghai
19 China : Report for the year 1897 on the trade of Shanghai, with Soochow and Hanghow
20 China : Report for the year 1898 on the trade of Shanghai