No. Title Date
1 Śrījī Kuñj
2 Śrījī Kuñj
3 Śrījī Kuñj
4 Śrījī Kuñj
5 Shop in Choṭī Srījī Kuñj where pośākas (garments for temple deities) and other items with sequined embroidery, are made and sold
6 Śrījī Kuñj : jhūlan darśan
7 Śrījī Kuñj : Śri Adhikariji and Dr. R.D. Gupta surveying a heap of manuscripts
8 Śrījī Kuñj : Śri Adhikariji looking at a manuscript with Dr. R.D. Gupta
9 Śrījī Kuñj : manuscripts found at the temple
10 Śrījī Maharaj giving the annual darśan of a śalagrāmā at Śrījī Kuñj
11 Kathā at Śrījī Kuñj
12 Śrījī Kuñj: the courtyard of the temple photographed from a gallery showing worshippers seated for bhajan
13 Śrījī Kuñj (the main Nimbārka temple of Vrīndaban) : entrance
14 Śrījī Kuñj : Śri Adhikariji looking at a manuscript
15 Śrījī Kuñj : Śri Adhikariji taking a manuscript out of a cupboard
16 Śrījī Kuñj : Śri Adhikariji taking a manuscript out of a cupboard