No. Title Date
1 Head-takers' dance
2 Head-takers' dance
3 Head-takers' dance
4 Head-takers' dance
5 Head-takers' dance
6 Man wearing helmet decorated with thin horn, hair dangling from the ends
7 Man wearing helmet decorated with hornbill feathers and horns, hair dangling from the ends
8 Dancing outside the Thepong morung, a monolith in the foreground
9 Dancing outside the Thepong morung, a monolith in the foreground
10 Two boys, Chinyang and a friend, practising the head-taker's dance, wearing ceremonial dress
11 Two boys, Chinyang and a friend, practising the head-taker's dance, wearing ceremonial dress
12 Two boys, Chinyang and a friend, practising the head-taker's dance, wearing ceremonial dress
13 Two boys, Chinyang and a friend, practising the head-taker's dance, wearing ceremonial dress
14 Group of men dancing
15 Group of men dancing