No. Title Date
1 Monkeys at the entrance to Nidhi Ban
2 Monkeys at the entrance to Nidhi Ban
3 Monkeys at the entrance to Nidhi Ban
4 Monkeys at the entrance to Nidhi Ban
5 Sītār player in Nidhi Ban
6 Sāraṅgī player in Nidhi Ban
7 Music concert in Nidhi Ban
8 Music concert in Nidhi Ban
9 Jhāmkī (tableau) at the end of a performance in Kiśor Ban
10 Ban yātrā encampment on the banks of the Yamunā
11 Ban yātrā encampment on the banks of the Yamunā
12 Guru's tent in the ban yātrā camp
13 Music concert in Nidhi Ban
14 Rās Līlā performed at Gahvar Ban prior to the enactment of the Maṭukī Līlā at nearby Sāṃkarī Khor
15 Boys acting as Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa in a Rās Līlā performed at Gahvar Ban
16 Paramahaṃs Āśram (Kiwari Ban) : Vaisnava and Dasanāmī sādhus watching Rām Līlā
17 Paramahaṃs Āśram : three Rāmānandī vairāgīs from Colā Mandir Vanakhaṇḍī Hanumān Āśram (Bhopal)
18 Paramahaṃs Āśram (Kiwari Ban) : Vaisnava and Dasanāmī sādhus watching Rām Līlā
19 Paramahaṃs Āśram (Kiwari Ban) : Vaisnava and Dasanāmī sādhus watching Rām Līlā
20 Paramahaṃs Āśram : sādhu receiving alms outside the āśram