No. Title Date
1 Ama Dablam mountain
2 Landscape with Ama Dablam in the background
3 Harvest at Khumjung
4 Harvest at Khumjung
5 Yaks in the midst of houses
6 Khumjung village with Ama Dablam in the background
7 Group of women working in the fields
8 Landscape with Ama Dablam in the background
9 Landscape with mountain peak in the background
10 Landscape with Ama Dablam in the background
11 House with prayer flags in front
12 Group of women working in the fields
13 House with prayer flags in front
14 Ploughing a field
15 Ploughing a field
16 Ama Dablam
17 Ama Dablam with grazing yaks in front
18 Ama Dablam with grazing yaks in front
19 Ama Dablam with grazing yaks in front
20 Ama Dablam with grazing yaks in front