No. Title Date
1 Women and children watching dancers from a platform
2 Drink is given to the Panso dancers
3 Dancer from Panso is given a drink
4 Dancer from Panso is given a drink
5 Dancer from Panso is given a drink
6 Dancing outside the Thepong morung, a monolith in the foreground
7 Preparing for the dance
8 Preparing for the dance
9 Group of men in dance costumes carrying bamboo sticks
10 Dancers in ceremonial dress on their way to Shiong
11 Dancers in ceremonial dress on their way to Shiong
12 Dancers in ceremonial dress on their way to Shiong
13 Dancers in ceremonial dress on their way to Shiong
14 Group of men in ceremonial dress dancing through the village
15 Group of men in ceremonial dress dancing through the village
16 Young man in ceremonial dress preparing to dance, carrying a head basket
17 Group of people preparing for dancing in front of the Aukheang morung
18 Girls preparing their dance dresses
19 Girls getting dressed for dancing
20 Girls getting dressed for dancing