No. Title Date
1 Sounds of divine ancestors : the music of Nepal's Tamu shamans
2 Pairitual drumming
3 Klhyeprĩ Nghachhya
4 Kehy : Tēh ritual chanting
5 Sirlu Tuhrlu Pye
6 Plẽ Kraba Pye
7 Pachyu Nghachya
8 Serga Pye
9 Maĩ Huba Pye
10 Pailu Kerlu Pye
11 Our world : Nepal: survivors stories
12 Monuments in Nepal reopen : Learn: devastation, heritage, precarious, cash-strapped, kick-start
13 Nepal. Four armed Prajñāpāramitā, c. 1750
14 Nepal. The dhyani-bodhisattva Avalokita : cast copper, gilt and jewelled, probably 16th century
15 Nepal. Avalsktesvara (bodhisattva). 9th - 10th century
16 Nepal. Avalokitesvara with thousand arms. Metalwork, bronze. 18th century.
17 Nepal. Buddha. Copper gilt
18 Nepal. The Buddhist goddess Tara : cast copper, gilt and tinted, inset with jewels, probably 16th century
19 Nepal (Lamaist). Ivory statuette of the bodhisattva Maitreya : anterior to the 15th century
20 Nepal. Three bronzes