No. Title Date
1 British opium policy and its results to India and China
2 East India and China : return to an order of the honourable the House of Commons dated 13 March 1846; for a return "of the value of bullion imported into each of the Indian presidencies from China in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the value of bullion exported from the Indian presidencies to China in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the amount realized upon the opium sold by the East India Company in the Bengal presidency in the years 1830 to 1845 ...", a return "of the quantity and estimated value of the opium for which passes were granted by the authorities in the Bombay presidency in the years 1830 to 1845 ..."
3 The Indian opium revenue : its nature and effects
4 The medical aspect of the opium question
5 Opium : has it any use, other than a strictly medical one?
6 The opium revenue : Sir William Muir's minute and other extracts from papers published by the Calcutta Government
7 Opium trade : including a sketch of its history, extent, effects, etc. as carried on in India and China
8 The opium trade : report of the proceedings of a conference held at the City of London tavern, London, on Friday Nov. 13 1874
9 The opium trade between India and China in some of its present aspects
10 Rise and progress of British opium smuggling, and its effects upon India, China, and the commerce of Great Britain : four letters addressed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsbury
11 The traffic in opium in the east
12 The truth about opium : being a refutation of the fallacies of the Anti-Opium Society and a defence of the Indo-China opium trade