No. Title Date
1 Agriculture : Cultivating the rice fields before planting …
2 Corea : Report of the result of experiments in cotton culture in Corea
3 Mother holding leaves from which has cone the tree­cake held by her small son standing beside her
4 Osakawa Tsuneyo III with a helmet in his hand, Ichikowa Yaozō II and Sawamura Shirōgorō I
5 Two Boys playing blind-man's bluff, watched by a woman through a screen
6 [Actor Osagawa Tsuneyo III]
7 佐州 善智鳥神事 盆踊 圖
8 Skip Navigation Links.
9 Skip Navigation Links.
10 奪取旅順炮台
11 Skip Navigation Links.
12 Skip Navigation Links.
13 謙斎画帖
14 鳥獸畧画式
15 Skip Navigation Links.