No. Title Date
1 5 storey pagoda
2 Abhandlung über die Sprache und Schrift der Uiguren : nebst einem Wörterverzeichnisse und anderen uigurischen Sprachproben, aus dem Kaiserlichen Übersetzungshofe zu Peking
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4 Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon
5 Actor Nakajima Mihoemon as an aged samurai
6 Actor Osagawa Tsuneyo II in the role of a young girl
7 Actors Ichikawa Danjurō, Iwai Hanshirō IV, and Nakamura Rikō I, standing in front of a shrine corridor
8 Actors Ichikawa Danjūrō V, Osagawa Tsuneyo II and Bandō Mitsugorō I
9 Actors Ichikawa Danjūrō V, Sawamura Sōjūrō III and Nakamura Rikō I in the sumō ring
10 Actors Nakamura Kumetarō with a book in his hand, and Ichikawa Yaozō II
11 Affected roles and linking in Mandarin resulatives
12 Ah-lah kyiu-cü Yiæ-su Kyi-toh-go Sing Iah shü : peng-veng fæn Nying-Po t'u-wo : feng pʻintang-pʻin : yih-pin cü siang-te-go tsih-tsông
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14 Album presented to Rev. Samuel Evans Meech "from his colleagues in North China"
15 Alphabet mantchou : rédigé d'après le syllabaire et le dictionnaire universel de cette langue
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17 An accoustic analysis of the vowels of Khorchin Mongolian
18 An Address on Manchuria its past and present and reply to prof Shuhsi-Hsu's criticisms and observations : Third Biennial Conference, Institute of Pacific Relations
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20 An explanation of the elementary characters of the Chinese : with an analysis of their ancient symbols and hieroglyphics