No. |
Title |
Date |
1 |
Actor Bandō Mitsugorō III as Isokai Tomohei on one knee gripping an umbrella under a crescent moon |
2 |
Actors Ichikawa Danjūrō V, Osagawa Tsuneyo II and Bandō Mitsugorō I |
3 |
Catalogue of Japanese manuscripts in the library of the School of Oriental and African Studies together with a short history of manuscripts in Japan |
4 |
Catalogue of publications of translation and monitoring services and of periodicals dealing with the People's Republic of China in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies |
5 |
6 |
China Field Force orders : Peking, 29th January 1901 |
7 |
Chinese rare books in the P.D.F. |
8 |
City hall fountain, Hong Kong |
9 |
Cricket, 1934 : parents school |
10 |
Custom House, Harbin |
11 |
Da‘ Yah, the Great study |
12 |
The evolution of the Chinese language, as exemplifying the origin and growth of human speech |
13 |
Fan presented by Henry Puyi, the last Emperor of China, to his tutor Sir Reginald Johnston (MS 381195) |
14 |
For God & China : the life of Mrs Lavington Hart |
15 |
Four characters of Ōtsu-e Three of them playing Ken, accompanied by shamisen music on a boat |
16 |
Group photograph including R.F.C. Hedgeland, his colleagues and his horse |
17 |
Group photograph including R.F.C. Hedgeland, his colleagues and his horse |
18 |
Group photograph including R.F.C. Hedgeland, his colleagues and his horse |
19 |
Group photograph including R.F.C. Hedgeland, his colleagues and his horse |
20 |
Group photograph of Imperial Chinese Customs staff, Naval College staff, and Chinese and British officials |