No. Title Date
1 The Expedition of Alexander [engraved by R Scott and published in Glasgow by Khull & Blackie and in Edinburgh by Archibald Fullarton] (MCA/01/02/01/20)
2 Letter from D. Nasmith to Rev. John Arundel, Mission House, Austin Friars, 1826 January 26
3 Letter from John Smith, 01 September 1830, Glasgow
4 Letter from John Smith, 10 August 1830, Glasgow
5 Persia, Afghanistan and Beloochistan [Balochistan] by J. Bartholomew published in London and Glasgow by William Collins Sons & Co (MCA/01/01/06/69)
6 Persia, Afghanistan and Beloochistan [Balochistan] by William John Turner published by Blackie & Son, London Glasgow and Edinburgh (MCA/01/01/06/75)
7 Persia Afghanistan and Beloochistan [Balochistan] drawn and engraved by Edward Weller and published by Blackie & Son, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London (MCA/01/01/06/64)
8 Persia and Cabool [Afghanistan] engraved by W and AK Johnston published in Edinburgh by John Johnstone and W and A K Johnston and in Glasgow by Robert Weir and James Lumsden & Son (MCA/01/01/06/51)
9 Persia engraved by Gray & Son and published in Glasgow by Archibald Fullarton & Co (MCA/01/01/06/42)
10 Persia published in Glasgow by D Macdonald [Macleod?] (MCA/01/01/06/52)
11 [Letter from R. Halliday to Dr. Blagden, Oct. 3, 1930]