No. Title Date
1 Arrival of the Niger Expedition at Sierra Leone
2 Balance Sheet. [Congo Town Society Wesleyan Methodist]
3 Colony of Sierra Leone. In the court of the Lieutenant Governor & Council for hearing & determining appeal
4 Colony of Sierra Leone, to wit, an inquisition inden[illegible]ed take at the Court House at Freetown in the said Colony of Sierra Leone on the twelfth day of May in the sixth year [ 1836] of the Reign of our Lord King William the Fourth before Ewing Bailie, Esquire, Sheriff of the Colony aforesaid by virtue of a writ of our said Lord the King to the said Sheriff directed and to this inquisition annexed to enquire of certain matters in the said writ specified by the oath of Henry C. Leigh, John Weston, ...
5 Skip Navigation Links.
6 Day spring and Sierra Leone reporter
7 Extract of a letter from William Sanders, Wesleyan missionary, in Sierra Leone
8 Letter from David Jehu, Free Town, Sierra Leone, West Africa, May 4th 1840, with responses from Thomas Dove [undated]
9 Letter from Edward Maer, copied by Thomas Cole, Methodist Mission House, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 31 January 1837
10 Letter from N. Mcdonald, Secretary, [and] Momodoo Bundoo [Mahomadu Bundu], Chief of Fourodagoo [Furadugu], Freetown, Sierra Leone, Secretary's Office, 19th October 1839
11 Letter from N. W. Mcdonald, Secretary, [and] Momodoo Bundoo [Mahomadu Bundu], Chief of Fourodagoo [Furadugu], Freetown, Sierra Leone, Secretary's Office, 19th October 1839
12 Letter from [Reverend J. B. Freeman], Sierra Leone, May 5th 1840, including a response from Thomas Dove, May 6th 1840.
13 Life and experience of Joseph Boston May
14 Memorandum of Goree Jobe's memorandum, May 22nd 1839
15 Memorial of Edward Maer, Benjamin Crosby & William Sanders, of Freetown, Missionaries in conexion [connection] with the conference and people called Wesleyan Methodist
16 Papers refering to an action at Law by Reverend Edward Maer
17 Petition to John Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for War and Colonies, &c. &c. &c : The petition of the undersigned maroon inhabitants of Her Majesty's Colony of Sierra Leone [in reference to the crime of murder].
18 Petition to John Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for War and Colonies, &c. &c. &c : The petition of the undersigned maroon inhabitants of Her Majesty's Colony of Sierra Leone [in reference to the crime of murder].
19 Skip Navigation Links.
20 Sago Grenn, his memorandum, May 23, 1839